For more than 100 years, the Engler-Bunte-Institut has been dealing with the tension between scientific research and technical application with sustainable energy and water use in the sense of safe and careful use of resources.

The Fuel Technology Division of the Engler-Bunte-Institut with the Chair for Process Engineering of Chemical Energy Carriers and the Professorship for Chemical Conversion of Renewable Energies deals in teaching and research with the process-specific characterization of fossil and biogenic, solid, liquid and gaseous fuels as well as process engineering and chemistry the fuel conversion and processing.
Link_moreThe Combustion Technology Division of the Engler-Bunte-Institut comprises of the Chair for Combustion Technology and the Chair for Simulation of Reacting Thermo-Fluid Systems. The division pursues research on reacting flows from gaseous, liquid and solid fuels by means of various measurement methods and numerical modelling approaches. The research center for fire protection technology is part of the Chair for Combustion Technology and deals with research and development work in the field of preventive fire protection.
Water is one of the most important resources worldwide. However, the diverse use of water for irrigation, industrial processes and as drinking water leads to a considerable degradation of water quality. The Chair of Water Chemistry and Water Technology headed by Prof. Dr. H. Horn deals with biological, chemical and physical processes that are relevant for a wide variety of treatment technologies as well as in natural aquatic systems.
This workshop series targets the numerical and experimental aspects essential to future improvements of solid fuel conversion.
The 4th workshop will be held as a satellite meeting to the 19th International Conference on Numerical Combustion in Kyoto Japan in May 2024. For more details on the conference visit
CSC/CBS - Workshop
The making of the sculpture in front of buildings 40.50 and 40.51
In memory of the old brick building, which was designed by the well-known architect Egon Eiermann at the time, the institute banner rests on the base of old bricks.